Drug and Alcohol Consortium

from $214.00
First or additional enrollment:
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If this is your first time enrolling a driver with us under your DOT Number, please select the first driver option. If you select the wrong option then the payment amount may need to be reconciled when your compliance agent reaches out.

Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortiums are required under 49 CFR 382. Enrollment into a Drug and Alcohol consortium is required if a driver is operating a vehicle that requires a form of commercial driver’s license. We will contact the driver to obtain the information required to enroll them into the consortium. You will be emailed a certificate of enrollment and a workplace policy. We also mail out a list of closest testing facilities or clinics, along with a Chain of Custody federal form. The driver is required to take the form into one of the clinics provided and give a pre-employment urine analysis. The driver is then enrolled into a random program through the year. We will contact you via phone and email should the driver be pulled on a random test.

Enrollment into the consortium includes all out of pocket testing expenses for the year including:

Pre-employment test

Random tests

Post-accident test